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Ending Malaria, One Child at a Time

Blog Team
Apr 25, 2015

Malaria—an acute febrile illness transmitted by mosquitos—ravages the lives of nearly 200 million people on a yearly basis.

Ninety percent of the deaths that occur from malaria occur in sub-Saharan Africa . . . and tragically, 78 percent of these are children.

World Malaria Day - Africa

The good news is that malaria is both curable and preventable. With early access to medical care, a little education, and a mosquito net, we can prevent thousands of childhood deaths.

That’s why today—World Malaria Day—is so important. Thousands of children are still dangerously susceptible to this devastating disease, dying needlessly when sometimes all they needed were mosquito nets.

World Malaria Day

In partnership with our Child Sponsorship Programs in Africa and around the world, we are working to end malaria by investing in three key areas of focus: education, prevention, and treatment.

This is where you come in: For just $25, you can provide simple but reliable protection for a child, by supplying a mosquito net.

This simple gift allows a child to sleep in peace and protection, shielded from harmful disease-carrying insects that spread malaria and other deadly illnesses.

Mosquito nets

Our hope is that through the provision of these mosquito nets, coupled with the knowledge taught in the classroom and opportunity for early diagnoses through our partnering local clinics, each and every child in our program will be given the chance to live a happy, healthy childhood completely free of the horrors of malaria. 

This World Malaria Day, please join us in defeating this devastating disease and creating a better future . . . one mosquito net . . . one child at a time.

Defeat malaria with World Help


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