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Advocacy1 min read


every dollar counts . . .

Blog Team
Jun 05, 2012

Every year, Crossroads School in Corona, California, chooses one mission project to support. This year, the students decided to use their resources to provide a clean-water well for a village in Africa whose only water source is contaminated. Burdened by the tragedy of the World Water Crisis, this school was determined to act immediately.

Their goal was to raise enough to drill a $15,000 deep-bore well.

In August 2011, the school initially raised nearly $8,000 through general donations collected during their weekly assembly. To help raise the remaining $7,000 for the well, the school’s Parent Support Fellowship implemented a 30-day campaign for the project.

Each child at the school, ranging from kindergarten through eighth grade, received $1 for “seed money.” The children were urged to multiply the money they received to help raise the remaining funds for the deep-bore well. With only 30 days to grow their seed money, they immediately began to use their time and resources in whatever ways they could to provide clean water. Here are just a few examples of how creative these children were:

Mackay, 2nd grade, designed homemade flower clips to sell at school, church, and on Facebook. She raised a total of $111.

Magnus, 1st grade, held a garage sale with all of his old toys and raised $60.

Kole, kindergarten, sold art canvases, collecting $50 for the campaign.

Jeremiah and Isaiah, 1st grade, organized a movie night at their home and provided snacks. By the end of the night, they had $45 to help provide clean water.

During the campaign, the school would begin their daily chapel with updates on what the children were doing to earn money. By the end of the 30 days, they had raised more than $12,000, exceeding their initial total goal by $5,000! The children and faculty alike were overwhelmed by the overall involvement and ingenuity of the children and the success of this lifesaving endeavor.

Because of the inspiring students at Crossroads School, a village in Africa will no longer have to suffer from the negative effects of contaminated water. Their faithful efforts translate into the health of an entire village!

Visit to learn how you, like Crossroads School, can provide clean water, health, and hope to a village in need.


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