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Refugee crisis2 min read


Explosions erupt at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan

Blog Team
Aug 30, 2021

The Kabul airport in Afghanistan has become a war zone.

Last week, Afghan men and women clung to planes in order to escape the Taliban as they took over Afghanistan. But now the Taliban has made a chance for escape even deadlier.

And without your help, these scared Afghan families may not survive.

On Thursday, one suicide bomber set off an explosion outside one of the airport gates. At least 90 people have died, and many more were injured. Among the dead were several children. It’s rumored that there was a second suicide bomber that caused a smaller explosion as well.

Even though the Taliban appear to let Afghans with the correct paperwork fly out of the country, their actions say otherwise. They’ve been shooting their rifles into the air to scare people, and they’ve sprayed water cannons at people crowded outside the airport.

These families are still determined to try to leave, but if they’re unable, they’re going to need help while they’re homeless and helpless in their own country.

You can be a lifeline for Afghan refugees waiting to escape. For $35, you can provide one refugee with essentials like food, clean water, medical care, and more for an entire week.

You can help meet these families’ most urgent needs as they run for their lives from the Taliban. Because these people are in extreme danger — not just from Islamic extremists but from starvation and succumbing to the elements as well.

Give your best gift today and help refugees in need.

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