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Aid and Relief2 min read


Extreme hunger crisis: How you can help

Blog Team
Aug 08, 2017

Extreme hunger.

The images coming out of sub-Saharan Africa are heartbreaking — photos of children crying in pain and photos of parents, desperate to feed their toddlers, teaching them how to suck the marrow from the bones of animal carcasses.

The African hunger crisis is unprecedented. More than 20 million people will starve to death unless we, as a global community, do something.

Governments and aid organizations are in critical need for help. The U.N. has been able to reach only a fraction of people in urgent need. That means men, women — and especially vulnerable children — are dying every day. 

One in nine children living in sub-Saharan Africa will die before his or her fifth birthday … most from hunger. And with this famine, the threat of childhood malnutrition grows even more overwhelming. Globally, children under the age of three are the most vulnerable to death as a result of famine, drought, and malnutrition.

But there is something you can do. You can provide enough food for a child to survive his first 1,000 days of life.

These first few years of a child’s life are when he is most likely to die from malnutrition. But your gift will make sure he has plenty of food every day during this critical time.

All it takes is $120 to provide a child with food for his first 1,000 days. That means for just 12 cents a day, you can save a life!

Your generous gift will help ship emergency food to a child who won’t survive without it.

Just think: Your gift today can end a child’s pain. Your generosity will ease a mother’s desperation and keep her from having to make unthinkable decisions — such as which child she will feed when she finds a scrap of food.

Please act now! Each day, more families run out of food … and more children starve. But for as little as $120you can save a child’s life, providing aid when it matters most.


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