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From the Field1 min read


Feeding the hungry in Cuba and beyond

Vernon Brewer
Jan 23, 2018

Last fall, the world watched as Hurricane Irma devastated much of the Caribbean. Months later, the island of Cuba is still recovering. During my recent trip there, I walked along streets still littered with rubble. I saw buildings completely destroyed by flood damage. And I met people who were still living without basic necessities like food and clean water.

These men, women, and children, were hungry and in need of immediate relief. More importantly, they were in need of hope.

But because of generous donors, we were able to deliver World Help’s first container of lifesaving supplies to the country of Cuba. We handed out food and supplies that will rescue hundreds of people … giving them hope for the future.

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In today’s world, people are hungry for a number of things — food, freedom, hope, purpose, and more. Your gift of $30 today will help provide food and other life-changing help for those most in need. More importantly, you’ll be giving spiritual hope to people around the world.

When you meet the immediate physical needs of individuals in vulnerable situations, you also introduce them to the God who loves them.

Give today, and be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground in Cuba — and around the world.


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