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Feeling Burned Out?

After the excitement of the holidays has vanished, and our days are swallowed up in the frenzy of routine, a sense of exhaustion can easily wash over us. Suddenly, we find ourselves feeling burned out, disconnected, and maybe even out of touch with our creativity.

To put it simply, we lose our spark.

If you’re looking to reignite your passion, to become more effective in your ministry, or to be inspired to create again, I want to invite you to join me at the Spark Conference in Roanoke, Virginia, on March 27-28.

I will have the honor of sharing at the conference, along with a group of dynamic speakers from across the country, including Bob Goff, New York Times Best-selling author of Love Does! This is an incredible opportunity to connect with other passionate Christ followers for a refreshing weekend that will help you rediscover your purpose.

Noel Yeatts_Spark Conference

World Help will be at the event with information about exciting developments in our work around the world as well as presenting opportunities to get involved.

Don’t miss out on this excellent conference and reserve your tickets today! For directions, information on local accommodations, and further details about this event, visit

Join me this March in taking a step back to reconnect with the true source of joy, passion, and inspiration. God has given each of us unique gifts and talents . . . and only He has the power to ignite them within us.


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