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From the Field: Meet Natasha from Puerto Rico

Vernon Brewer
Feb 16, 2018

Family has always been important to me, particularly through my battle with cancer and other difficult seasons in my life. And no matter where I travel in the world, I see that we all have that in common — families are important to us, especially in times of crisis.

As you read this, families all over the world are desperate for aid. For just $30, you can send lifesaving help and eternal hope to someone in need.

On my recent trip to Puerto Rico, I traveled with Tom Thompson, World Help’s executive vice president. Like me, he wanted to see for himself the devastation that Hurricanes Maria and Irma caused.

While there, we met Natasha and her two children. The hurricanes destroyed their home, leaving them with nothing. Resources are scarce — and for Natasha and her family, it’s a struggle just to survive.

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Around the world, people like Natasha are facing natural disasters, extreme poverty, and brutal wars. Refugees flee for their lives to protect their children. Parents in impoverished communities make sacrifices, just like you and I would. Mothers go without meals. Fathers work long hours at whatever jobs they can find.

They need food, clean water, shelter, and so much more. 

They need your help.

For $30, you can provide emergency, lifesaving supplies to someone in need — someone like Natasha and her girls. You can give a family hope for the days to come.

It may seem simple, but the Bible tells us when you give something as small as a cup of cold water to someone in need, you are being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Many of those suffering around the world are our brothers and sisters in Christ. They are part of our spiritual family … and when times are tough, family shows up.

This is our chance to show up and help. You can provide help for today and hope for tomorrow to someone in their moment of greatest need.

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