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Fighting coronavirus: A war with multiple fronts

Blog Team
Mar 25, 2020

Over the past week, many people have compared the coronavirus pandemic to a world war. Only in this war, all the countries of the world are fighting the same enemy — an enemy that, while microscopic, can be just as deadly as a warhead.

Thankfully, as we’ve seen happen in past wartimes, the United States is coming together as a nation to fight this war. Doctors and nurses are on the frontlines, risking their own health to do the heavy lifting. Many politicians are reaching across party lines to pass emergency legislation as quickly as possible. And all of us are doing our part to socially distance ourselves, maintain superior hygiene, and slow the spread of COVID-19.

Here at World Help, we are particularly aware of the fact that this war must be fought on multiple fronts. We must fight to help keep the most vulnerable, impoverished people around the world healthy and safe. But we also can’t ignore the massive battle taking place in our own backyard.

Crime and unemployment are up. The economy is down — along with many people’s spirits.

Countless families here in our own nation are asking themselves “What’s next?” They need help, too, just like many families around the globe.

That’s why when you give today at, your gift will be used to fight the coronavirus pandemic on both fronts — both internationally and domestically.

Your gift will do three powerful things:

Provide emergency food to families in need in the United States

Many families are really struggling right now, especially the ones who have seen their work hours cut and have increased food costs because their kids are home from school.

Provide hygiene kits

These are especially important for at-risk seniors and are a way for you to help stop the spread of the virus.

Help erase the shortfall

World Help’s spring fundraising season has been completely canceled, meaning $2.3 million of lost income for our critical global programs. This means mothers in poverty won’t be able to feed their children. Refugees won’t have essential medicine. Communities won’t receive clean water, which is desperately needed during times like these. People in need around the world are counting on us.

Your gift will help support all three of these critical needs.

Every $8 you give is enough to impact one person with emergency help. And thanks to a matching gift by World Help board members, your donation will double up to $235,000. That means every $8 now will help rescue two people in desperate need.

Nearly all of us have been affected financially in some way by this crisis. Maybe you saw a major drop in your retirement account or have had your hours cut at work. If you own your own business, no doubt you are struggling right now. If you work in ministry, you’re probably worried by the fact that most churches are receiving only 40-50 percent of regular tithes.

No one is immune to this crisis … and you can help those people who are most vulnerable during this desperate time. 

You can help someone like the single mom who worked as a waitress and is now out of a job. Her kids are hungry. They’re no longer at school where they have easy access to healthy meals. So, she’s left with a choice — fill the refrigerator with nutritious meals for her kids or pay rent this month.

Suddenly, this story is way too common across the United States and the world. People who felt financially secure just a few weeks ago are now struggling to get by.

Will you give what you can today to help provide for someone in need?

All it takes is $8 to help rescue one person with lifesaving help and life-giving hope. And since your gift is matched, your impact doubles!

You may not physically be on the frontlines of this war, but you can still personally help save lives from the home front.

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