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Child Development2 min read


Five Ways to Choose a Child to Sponsor

Amanda Mattingly
Oct 16, 2012

Dieunie-LoveDeciding which child to sponsor can seem like an overwhelming task. I remember when my husband and I made the commitment to sponsor a child. As we sat on our couch pouring over the sobering pictures of innocent children, we were overcome by each of their dire situations. It seemed impossible to choose only one. Maybe you find yourself in the same predicament asking,

How do you go about choosing your sponsored child?”

Here are five suggestions that may help:

1. Choose by age and gender.

Children in our program range from just a few months to adolescence, and they are all in need of a sponsor. Maybe you desire to sponsor a child who can correspond with you, or perhaps a child that is the same age and gender as your own children. Our Child Sponsorship Program offers you the ability to search online by both age and gender.

2. Choose by country.

If there is an area you are specifically passionate about, consider sponsoring a child from that country. World Help partners with 23 different nations around the world and nearly 150 communities.

3. Choose by type of program.

There are three different types of programs in which our sponsored children are involved: children’s homes, schools, and community programs. If you have a preference as to which platform your sponsored child is a part of, you can call a Sponsor Relations Coordinator toll free 800-541-6691, and they will be happy to assist you as you begin your sponsorship.

4. Choose a child who has a mental or physical disability.

Do you have a heart for children who have a disability or handicap? If so, consider using your sponsorship to help support a child with special needs. Whether it is a mental disability, a learning disability, or a physical handicap, your sponsorship will help provide these children with the specialized care and support they desperately need.

5. Choose a child who has been affected by HIV/AIDS.

The HIV/AIDS epidemic has devastated millions, and two-thirds of those infected are living in sub-Saharan Africa. In fact, nearly 15 million children in Africa have lost either one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. Sponsorship provides these victims with the resources they urgently need for physical and emotional health. For these children, sponsorship, prayers, and encouraging letters make an impact that is more far-reaching than we can imagine.

My husband and I made the decision to sponsor a child in Haiti on the two-year anniversary of the earthquake that destroyed millions of lives. After reading through countless bios online, we finally chose a precious 4-year-old girl whose family is affected by AIDS. Dieunie-Love’s story captured our hearts, and we prayerfully decided to invest in her life by providing the opportunities for health, education, and spiritual enrichment.

Consider these five suggestions as you begin your journey with a child. But no matter how you choose, you can know that your decision will make a difference that will last for eternity.


Become a World Help sponsor today and join thousands that are providing help for today . . . hope for tomorrow! When you become a child sponsor, you are connecting to a specific child in our program and will be able to build and nurture a relationship through letter writing and prayer. 

Already a World Help sponsor? Consider sponsoring another child or sharing this post with your community to encourage them to join with you in bringing help and hope to children around the world!


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