Even though he lived in a world of complete darkness, Neil found the light of the Gospel.
Neil became blind at age 8, isolating him from the bright and colorful world around him. But, despite his disability, he found joy in music. He became a talented musician and loved listening to music on the radio. And it was on an evening broadcast that Neil heard the Gospel for the first time.
Neil was 30 when he gave his life to Christ. But life as a Christian is dangerous for someone like Neil who lives in a Hindu-majority South Asian community. It’s why we’ve had to change his name for his safety. And soon, Neil realized his blindness wasn’t the only reason he was an outcast.
As a Hindu holiday approached, the village chief announced that everyone was required to contribute financially to the festival, which honored a Hindu goddess. But the local Christians refused, the chief retaliated.
All the Christians in the village were banned from using the local water well. However, if they recanted their faith in Christ, they would receive access again. But Neil and his elderly mother refused to turn away from God.

Although his village was in the middle of a terrible drought, Neil and his mother decided they would rather travel many hot and dusty miles to find water rather than bow to the threats of those who refuse to acknowledge the one true God of heaven.
So Neil, his mother, and other devout Christians walked for hours in 115-degree temperatures to find another water source — which was usually contaminated. They had no other choice.
But these Christians didn’t neglect their faith; instead, they prayed even harder for God to have mercy on them and provide them with clean water close to their village.
Eventually, the police intervened and convinced local leaders to allow Neil and the other Christians to draw water from the community well again.
God hears and answers the prayers of His people. That’s why, on International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church we need to lift up persecuted Christians like Neil who are suffering because of their faith.
In addition to praying, you can also help persecuted believers by providing Bibles.
Many of our brothers and sisters living in the most dangerous countries for Christians have never owned a Bible for themselves. They have to suffering unimaginable pressure without even the comfort of Scripture.
Today, you can provide that comfort and joy to a persecuted Christian. Every $10 you give helps print, ship, and deliver a Bible into the hands of someone hungry for God’s Word.
Will you help flood spiritually dark places like Neil’s community with the light of Jesus Christ today?