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From the Field3 min read


From the field | A rare lifeline in rural India

Vernon Brewer
Mar 06, 2017

This week, I’ve had the privilege of meeting some of the 400 boys and girls who attend Desert Hope Academy outside of Jaipur, India.

This school stands as a beacon of hope in one of the darkest countries in the world. The students here are safe from the growing child trafficking industry in India and dangers of living in the slums. They’re receiving a quality education so they can pursue their dreams and have a better future. And, most importantly, they are given the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.

As the staff was showing me around campus and pointing out the facilities they are most proud of, they stopped in front of the school’s clean-water well with big smiles on their faces.

To many people, a well might not seem all that important … and certainly wouldn’t warrant a stop on a tour. But in India — a nation that has the highest number of people without access to clean water — a well is a rare lifeline.

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Just a few years ago, Desert Hope didn’t have access to clean water on campus. The children were often sick, and many fell behind in their studies.

But now, clean water is available to all of the students and staff. I was honored to be here a few years ago when the well was dedicated. Seeing the joy on the faces of the faculty and students as the children splashed in the water and celebrated was incredible.

Today, they are just as grateful. I watched some of the same young men — much bigger now — splash in the water and smile as they took a cool drink again. They know they are blessed to have this well — and that many others don’t have the same privilege.

In fact, four out of every 10 schools around the developing world lack access to clean water. And 1,000 children die every day from diseases caused by waterborne illnesses.

That’s why people all around the globe are joining forces this month to make a difference during World Water Month … and you can, too!

For just $15, you can provide clean water for one person in need.

Clean water is something we often take for granted. But I don’t want to do that any longer, and I hope you won’t, either. Each time you pick up a bottle of water or take a few steps to the faucet, I hope you will remember those who walk miles each day to collect contaminated water. And I hope you will ask God what He wants you to do to help them.

Jesus said when we give a drink of water to someone who is thirsty, it’s as if we are showing compassion directly to Him.

Will you provide that drink of clean water to a man, woman, or child today? All it takes is $15 to change a life with this simple, yet extraordinary, gift.


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