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From the Field2 min read


From the Field | Change on the Horizon for Cuba

Vernon Brewer
Apr 14, 2016

¡Cuba para Cristo!”

This is the rallying cry we have heard at nearly every gathering the past few days. It simply means, “Cuba for Christ!”

The church truly believes that now is God’s time for Cuba—and after witnessing spiritual renewal spread throughout the country for over 20 years, I earnestly believe the harvest is here.

When World Help first began working in Cuba in 1996, no Bibles could be found, and few pastoral training programs were in place. There were no reliable foundations to build on, and the work was new and dangerous.

But today, we are seeing Cuba’s spiritual harvest firsthand. We are living in historic times . . . and there is a sense of anticipation in the air.

Many Cubans are hopeful that permanent change is on the horizon.

Ed Hindson training pastors in Cuba


Dr. Ed Hindson, dean of Liberty University’s Rawlings School of Divinity and a lifelong friend, joined us in Cuba for pastoral training. We spent one day teaching in a local seminary with nearly 300 students, and two days training church planters. As I spoke, I realized the magnitude of this moment—this was the culmination of decades of strategic work in this country. Enduring obstacles with patience and navigating them with God’s sovereign guidance has paved the way for unbelievable spiritual opportunity.

In the past few years, these bold individuals have planted more than 2,200 house churches and have seen over 70,000 become Christ followers.

One couple traveled from Baracoa, the easternmost city on the island, to participate in our training sessions. It took them four days to arrive at the seminary, traveling by all means available—donkey, public transportation . . . even the back of a flatbed truck.

After a training session in January, one church planter started four new training centers in his hometown. He already has 83 future church planters learning under him—all in less than three months! Incredible.

World Help Cuba Pastor's Training


We’ve also had the privilege of openly distributing Bibles to local believers this week. I could hardly believe my eyes! In the past, we’ve had to find creative ways to introduce Bibles into the country, but we have recently been given permission to import Bibles freely.

We thank God for how He’s working and moving in this country—and for allowing World Help to be a part of Cuba’s spiritual growth throughout the years.

But the work by no means finished. This is the start. And we must make the most of this God-given opportunity.

With an explosion in spiritual growth comes an even greater need for Bibles. For just $10, you can give one Cuban the greatest gift of all—God’s Word.

Cuba’s population is 99 percent literate, yet it’s estimated that only 3% of the population has access to God’s Word.

Cuban Bible


The good news is: If you give a Bible today, the man, woman, or child who receives your Bible will be able to read, understand, and cherish it without any language barriers.

Cuba needs your investment to experience total spiritual transformation . . . one new believer at a time.

The harvest is ripe. The window is open. And it starts with God’s eternal Word.

There has never been a more important time for you to impact a life in Cuba.

Provide God's Word


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