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From the Field2 min read


From the Field: Please help Syria’s child refugees

Vernon Brewer
Apr 28, 2018

This week, I’ve shared a lot of the hopelessness I’ve seen on the Syrian border. But today, I want to give you an example of something that demonstrates how hope is never lost as long as compassionate people exist.

One of the highlights of this trip was the chance to visit a preschool for refugees. Most child refugees don’t have a school to attend. But Grow School helps care for young children so parents have the chance to work. 

Even so, parents such as Isir still struggle to provide even basic needs for their children.

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Isir, whose name I’ve changed for her safety, is a single, refugee woman just trying to survive by taking jobs as a domestic worker. When an employer raped her and she found out she was pregnant, Isir had no idea how she was going to provide for herself and a child.

But through the ministry of Grow School, her child has access to healthy meals, medical care, and an opportunity to learn about Jesus. Isir is even learning the Gospel herself as her son shares what he has heard at the preschool.

Thanks to World Help’s compassionate donors, we had the privilege of helping support this incredible ministry while we were here. There are about 75 children currently attending the preschool, but the demand is massive as more and more Syrians become refugees.

You can give today and help meet the needs of one refugee for just $35.

Please don’t let these displaced children become a lost generation. These children need your help to survive. Your $35 gift will provide a refugee with essentials such as food, medicine, and clothing for more than a week.

As Debbie, the preschool’s site manager, said, the need for helping Syrian refugee children and their families is not going away anytime soon.

You can help improve life for a Syrian refugee today. Please respond now to help save a life and keep a refugee from losing hope.

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