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From the Field: Syrians living in miserable conditions

Vernon Brewer
Apr 25, 2018

Many Syrians have fled the violence of civil war and ISIS, but they haven’t escaped the suffering.

Right now, I’m in a refugee camp on the Syrian border where families are just trying to survive. They are living in deplorable conditions … there’s trash everywhere. It literally looks like the camp was built on a landfill. Exposed pipes, old tires, and sewage litter a small stream that runs through the camp.

I’ve met families who have lived in these wretched conditions for five years — rarely ever having enough to eat.

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Children like Abram — whose name I’ve changed — were born in the refugee camps and know no other life. At age 5, he’s known only hunger and suffering. “Sadly, to the world he’s just a number,” said our guide at the camp. “But his life is so much more than that.”

Today you can show a child like Abram that he hasn’t been forgotten. You can help him have a full stomach and the possibility of a brighter future.

Your gift of $35 will provide food, medicine, and clothing for one refugee for more than a week.

Please continue to pray for Syrian refugees … and please give to this urgent need today.

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