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From the Field2 min read


From the Field | The one thing refugees are begging for

Vernon Brewer
Feb 18, 2017

The moment I landed in the Middle East and stepped out of the airport, I was immediately grateful I packed my winter coat.

It was extremely cold outside, and the wind was biting.

But as I arrived in the refugee camps, I noticed many of the men, women, and children didn’t have coats of their own. Families huddled together for warmth. You can see in my Facebook Live video that, even in their tents, they had to bundle up as much as possible.

As soon as the refugees saw us coming, they began begging for winter supplies to protect against the brutal temperatures.

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As I’ve walked through the camps this weekend, it’s broken my heart to see children shivering with no protection. And to see their parents weep because they don’t have the means to keep them warm during snow, sleet, and frigid temperatures.

I was so grateful to have the opportunity to provide lifesaving aid such as blankets, coats, heaters, diapers, and more to these people in desperate need.

I could see the look of relief in the eyes of mothers and fathers as I placed these items in their hands. They were so thankful. And as I provided this aid, I was invited into their tents … I had the opportunity to tell these same families about the love of Jesus. That’s what HELP and HOPE is all about.

As I listened to many refugees tell their stories, I couldn’t help thinking, “They’ve suffered so much … and now the harsh winter brings another potentially fatal blow.”

Pneumonia and other cold-weather illnesses are rampant in the camps, and there are not nearly enough medical supplies for all the people who are sick. Food is running out. People are dying from starvation and exposure.

But you can help.

For just $35, you can save the life of a refugee fighting to survive the harsh Middle Eastern winter. Your gift will ship $189 worth of critical supplies — that means your donation is multiplied five times!

You’ve probably heard many discussions about refugees on the news lately. But I hope that above all of the political chatter, you won’t miss the bigger, more important picture: these men, women, and children need our help right now … right where they are.

We can’t let them suffer alone. Will you give what you can to keep a refugee warm this winter?


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