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From the Field3 min read


From the field | Your prayers are making a difference in Iraq

Vernon Brewer
Oct 23, 2016

As I’ve spent the past week with many of our brothers and sisters in Iraq, I’ve been constantly reminded of Paul’s words in Romans 8:

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Since the arrival of ISIS, many believers have faced every one of these trials. They’ve been beaten and forced to leave their homes, they’ve been without food and clothing, and they’ve literally risked their lives for their faith.

More than 100,000 Iraqi Christians are now displaced, and their country is No. 2 on the list of most dangerous nations for believers, second only to North Korea.


Through it all, the love of Christ is triumphing. ISIS may be strong … but our God is stronger. He is using His church to remind the refugees that He has not forgotten them and to strengthen their faith now more than ever.

On Nov. 6, Christians from more than 100 different nations will observe International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. I’d like to invite you to join us as we pray for our oppressed brothers and sisters in Iraq and around the world.

Your prayers and support make a tremendous difference in the lives of these believers. I saw this very clearly after listening to the testimony of Adnan.

“Home” for Adnan and his family is now the third and fourth floors of a mall. But a sign on their door thanking the church for helping the displaced people of Iraq is what struck me.

As I stepped inside their tiny room, Adnan pointed to several crosses hanging on the walls. He said these decorations serve as reminders that although they have suffered much for their faith, it is the source of their strength.


Before ISIS invaded Mosul to eradicate Christians, Adnan had a government job as an engineer, and his oldest son had a full scholarship to medical school.

Now, Adnan has no job to support his wife and five children, and his son dropped out of school because the travel costs were too much.

Despite his family’s many challenges, Adnan said God is meeting all their needs. He has provided blankets, Bibles, and critical supplies through believers like you, and He has surrounded them with other Christian refugees who have become family.

Adnan’s biggest dream is to return to his village once ISIS is driven out of Mosul and to rebuild a strong Christian community there.


As you pray for the persecuted church Nov. 6, I hope you will remember Adnan and pray that his dream will be realized soon.

Remember all of our brothers and sisters from Mosul and those around the world who are suffering for Christ. And consider allowing God to use you to meet their most critical needs today.


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