You can help equip a church planter to establish thriving faith communities in some of the most unreached countries on earth. Your gift will help provide them with training, Bibles, and study materials, as well as essentials like food for their family and...
Your $15 gift provides clean water to one person for an entire year! When a person gets access to clean water, it is life changing. And it is a gift that many people still need. Your gift of clean water will keep families safe from waterborne diseases. You’ll allow...
Kingdom Partners has supported Gilgal Children’s Home in Manipur, India, since 2002. It is a place dear to many of our hearts, which makes it even more difficult to see the persecution that Christians are facing there. This year, Hindu extremists launched violent...
A child is waiting … for you. Prices are rising worldwide, and children are waiting for sponsors to help provide them with their daily needs. These are children who struggled in poverty before prices began skyrocketing … now, they need help even more urgently. Will...
Remember those who are prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body — Hebrews 13:3 (ESV) Global Christian persecution is at an all-time high. Around the world, believers endure jail time, separation from family...