Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith (10 Book Bundle)
Grabbing Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith by Noel Brewer Yeatts for your friends, small group, or church? Now you can purchase 10 books and receive 20% off your order (10 books regularly priced at $149.90)!
Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith
Living out your faith isn’t as simple as handing out Gospel tracts or going on an overseas trip. So why is the idea of missions often presented as a checkbox on a holy to-do list? In her new book, Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith, World Help president...
If I Die…Risking Death to Follow Jesus
by Vernon Brewer It seems like every day we hear another story in the news of a church that was attacked, a missionary held hostage, or a Christian who has been murdered for their faith. These stories of horrendous persecution and suffering should shake us to our very...