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BOTH Necklace

BOTH Necklace

“Throughout my life, I have seen firsthand how the combination of meeting people’s physical and spiritual needs is truly what transforms people. I’ve seen how the power of how both help AND hope changes everything.”- Noel Brewer Yeatts Wear...
Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith (10 Book Bundle)

Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith (10 Book Bundle)

Grabbing Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith by Noel Yeatts for your friends, small group, or church? Now you can purchase 10 books and receive 20% OFF right here! (10 books regularly priced at $149.90). The Internal Revenue Code permits you to deduct the...
Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith (10 Book Bundle)

Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith

Living out your faith isn’t as simple as handing out Gospel tracts or going on an overseas trip. So why is the idea of missions often presented as a checkbox on a holy to-do list? In her new book, Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith, World Help president...
If I Die…Risking Death to Follow Jesus

If I Die…Risking Death to Follow Jesus

by Vernon Brewer It seems that every day we hear another news story of a church that is attacked, a missionary who is held hostage, or a Christian who has been murdered for their faith. Although we live in a world of disbelief and mistrust, we as Christians cannot...
If I Die Book Bundle (10 books)

If I Die Book Bundle (10 books)

by Vernon Brewer Grabbing If I Die by Vernon Brewer for your friends, small group, or church? Now you can purchase 10 If I Die Books and receive 20% OFF right here! (10 books regularly priced at $100). We currently do not ship outside the US and Canada. Buy single...
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