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Eastern Europe Trip | June 20-28, 2023

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Join us on a trip to Eastern Europe to see your generosity in action! Since Russia launched a full-scale invasion on Ukraine, your support and prayers as a World Help donor have been critical in the mission to provide help and hope for refugees. Now, you have the opportunity to see the work firsthand as you travel to refugee centers in the countries around Ukraine, meet and worship with refugees, and discuss with World Help leaders and Board members how we can continue helping these people who have been forced to flee for their lives.

We look forward to serving alongside you as we work together to be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground.

June 20-28, 2023

$3,375/person plus airfare (shared rooms)

$1,000/person due upon registration
Balance due by April 28, 2023

Use the Make A Payment button to make payments towards your Eastern Europe trip balance.

• Hotel lodging (shared rooms)
• All meals in-country (excluding airport food)
• All airport and ground transportation
• All planned activities (traveling to Ukrainian refugee centers, meeting and hearing from displaced Ukrainians, touring the Auschwitz Museum, worshiping with believers in Eastern Europe, and sightseeing in Budapest and Krakow, etc.)
• Insurance through Faith Ventures (see policy details here)

*Single rooms available upon request at additional cost.

• International tickets from the U.S. to Krakow, Poland and then Budapest, Hungary to U.S.
• Flight from Krakow, Poland to Budapest, Hungary
• Passport fees, if applicable — passport should be valid for at least 6 months after trip dates
• Routine and recommended immunizations
• All items of a personal nature

You will need to have a passport with at least six months validity from date of
entry. If you don’t currently have a valid passport, you will need to allow for
seven weeks to expedite one.

Questions? Contact the Travel Team at or by calling 800-541-6691.

We're a Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world.

Donation Policy: Your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of World Help, a 501(c)(3) organization, and will be considered tax-deductible to the full extent allowed under the federal tax laws. You should consult with your personal income tax advisor for more guidance about your individual tax situation. Gifts are considered to be without restriction unless explicitly stipulated by the donor. All restricted gifts for a specific project receive an administrative assessment, which is used to offset administrative and fundraising costs. If contributed funds exceed the specific need of a project, or due to unforeseen circumstances the project cannot be completed, those funds will be used where they will make the greatest impact to fulfill the mission and purpose of World Help. You can access World Help’s full financial reports at

You may also request a hard copy, as well as descriptions of World Help’s programs, by calling 800-541-6691.

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