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Child Sponsorship4 min read


Give your sponsored child a hug this Valentine’s Day

Sam Campbell
Feb 02, 2021

Sometimes you just need a hug. Or to hear the words “I love you.”

After such a difficult year when we’ve had to constantly keep our distance, your sponsored child wants nothing more than to hear those words, too.

Many sponsored children around the world had to stop going to school and start learning virtually last year. Others couldn’t go to their normal community centers to receive free meals because they were closed due to the coronavirus.

Instead, many of the kids in the sponsorship programs had to stay home while our partners delivered food door to door. They couldn’t see their classmates. They couldn’t play games with their friends at recess.

This Valentine’s Day, your sponsored child could really use a hug. So here’s a special hug-themed valentine you can print and send this month.

Have kids? Help them feel connected to your sponsored child by inviting them to color the picture before you mail it. Or leave it blank and let your sponsored child color it. You could even print two — one for your family to color and one for your sponsored child!

You already provide so much for your sponsored child each month. But when you download and send this free valentine, you will provide that extra bit of encouragement your child needs after such a challenging year.

Click here to download it now.

After you personalize your valentine, simply slip it inside an envelope and mail it to:

[Sponsored Child’s name and ID #]
c/o World Help Child Sponsorship Program
P.O. Box 501
Forest, VA 24551

Can you imagine the smile on your child’s face when your valentine arrives?

He or she will treasure it for many days to come. In fact, children in the sponsorship programs often hang their cards and letters on the walls surrounding their beds. These notes are a constant reminder that someone around the world loves them and is caring for them.

Your valentine will do the same.

This past year may have been a time of isolation, but your special note will keep you two connected. Your sponsored child will be thrilled to know you’re thinking of him or her … even from thousands of miles away.

And don’t forget that you can send letters to your sponsored child all year-round, too. Not sure what to write about? Here are seven ideas to get you started.

As always, thank you for sponsoring a child in need around the world. Your generosity is giving him or her help for today and hope for a very bright future.

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