During this past year, the global hunger crisis has only gotten worse, and our partners are all expressing the same thing: they desperately need food.
This year, ongoing conflicts and extreme weather have pushed food prices higher than ever. Families who could hardly afford to eat before are now facing starvation.
One partner described the level of food insecurity as “staggering.”
I know this is a busy time for everyone. Like me, you’re probably getting ready for Thanksgiving. But the need is more urgent than ever. Men, women, and children at risk of starvation can’t wait another day for help to arrive.

Give your best gift by Nov. 28 and help TWICE as many people in need!
That’s why I’m asking you to send a special gift today to provide food and more to someone in need.
I’ve also got great news — we just received a $50,000 matching gift to be used by Giving Tuesday on Nov. 28. This generous match will DOUBLE the amount of food and other lifesaving essentials you provide to people in need.
Your gift won’t just provide food. You’ll also meet other urgent needs, such as providing people with copies of God’s Word, clothing, medical supplies, and more.
Food prices are higher than ever, and I know you’re feeling it, too. But as you shop for groceries and prepare for Thanksgiving dinner, please remember the people who can’t afford even one meal for their children.
Give your best gift today. And remember to respond by Nov. 28 to help TWICE as many people in need.