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God meant it for good

Blog Team
Dec 20, 2017

When you see the smile on her face, you’d never guess the pain and tragedy she has endured. She clutches her Bible, worn from reading, tattered from sharing.

Mrs. Zin wasn’t always a believer. She and her family were Muslim, but in the Middle East, no one is safe from violence. By the time they reached the refugee camp, her son had almost been kidnapped and her daughter had nearly been raped. They arrived with nothing.

She made her way to the free clinic run by our partners on the Syrian border. At the clinic, Mrs. Zin experienced such compassion and care that her heart was opened to hearing the Good News of Jesus — news that she would then go and share with her entire family.

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When you send aid to a refugee, you are giving more than just a cup of clean water, a warm blanket, or medical supplies. You are demonstrating the love of Jesus in a practical way, opening the door for the spread of the Gospel.

With every $35 you give, you’ll provide $189 worth of lifesaving supplies for a refugee. Plus, you will be taking part in sharing the hope of salvation with men, women, and children like Mrs. Zin. Your gift can change a life.

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