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Reports1 min read


Happy New Year from your World Help family!

Vernon Brewer
Jan 01, 2019
On behalf of World Help, I want to wish you a Happy New Year!

More importantly, I want to thank you for all you did to bring help and hope to nearly 1.9 million people around the world in 2018.

Because of your generosity, people are alive today who were on the brink of death just months ago. And entire communities are hearing the Gospel for the first time!

Your love reached around the globe this past year, impacting people in places like …

• Zambia, where a child no longer has to go to bed hungry

• China, where a new believer has a Bible of his very own

• Thailand, where a girl was able to escape a life of abuse in the sex industry

• On the Syrian border, where refugees were able to receive critical medical care

And so many other impoverished communities around the world

You made the world a better place in 2018, and I’m so glad you chose to let us come alongside you.

I hope this coming year will be one full of health and happiness for you and your family. And I pray you’ll continue to make a difference that will outlive you and last for eternity.

Thank you and Happy New Year!


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