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Coronavirus2 min read


Happy Thanksgiving! + A 5-minute video devotional

Today, you’re hopefully at home with your family enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and making many wonderful memories.

You are taking a break … and you deserve it! This year has been hard. But at the same time, there is still so much to be thankful for.

As I was reflecting on that thought this month, I decided to put together this short Thanksgiving devotional video for you. I hope it’s a blessing to you today.

I also want to take this opportunity to tell you I’m thankful for you.

Throughout this past year, you have jumped in head-first to help rescue people in need. From the coronavirus pandemic to natural disasters, 2020 has presented many challenges. But that didn’t stop you. You gave generously when people needed you most.

And today you can do it again — while making 2X the impact!

Your special Thanksgiving gift will DOUBLE up to $300,000. That means every $12 you give is enough to help rescue TWO people who are struggling this holiday season!

You’ll help provide emergency aid like food, hygiene kits, medical care, and more and you’ll be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone during this incredibly difficult year.

Thank you, again, for being a world changer.

And from all of us here at World Help … Happy Thanksgiving!

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