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Community Development2 min read


Have the Needs of the Refugees Changed?

Jun 27, 2016

You’ve been there since the beginning . . .

. . . when the heart-wrenching stories of thousands of displaced and traumatized Syrians began flooding in. You were there as the crisis continued to escalate in Iraq, and horrific reports of ISIS-led atrocities began to hit the news.

You were there supporting these men, women, and children in prayer and through your generous giving . . . providing life-saving supplies when they were needed most. You not only saved thousands of lives, but gave them a reason to hope again.

Five years into this crisis, your faithful support and genuine concern for the displaced is still saving lives. Today, you’ve made it possible for thousands of refugees to begin again.

WorldHelp_RefugeeFamily.jpgDawn breaks over the refugee camp and nearly everyone is awake.

The women in the camp are well into their daily tasks—collecting water, washing clothes in the community sink, waiting in line to prepare a meal on one of four kerosene stoves.

In their 10×20 caravan homes, these refugee families have only bare essentials—no refrigerator, no running water, not a single household appliance. Tasks that once required minutes now consume their days.

And yet, these women have found a way to make order in chaos—a sense of security in the face of uncertainty . . . and that alone gives them reason to hope again.

At the same early hour, the men in the camp are making their way to work—those who have been fortunate enough to find it. And for most, this means hours of excruciating labor, working on farms and at construction sites.

But even though the work is physically taxing and the pay is next to nothing, every morning, these men return to work again, grateful to at least have a purpose.

Nearby, a group of children kick a soccer ball in the dusty street before heading off to school. Their clothes are visibly worn, and the sharp gravel pierces through the flimsy soles of their shoes, yet their smiles can be seen through the dust that spins in clouds around them.

“Our work in Iraq never stops,” our partner said. “[But] can you blame me for loving this place and these faces—these people who laugh and smile, even with all the hardships they are facing?”

After years of displacement, a palpable shift has taken place in many of the refugee camps scattered throughout the Middle East. Slowly, anger and grief are turning to acceptance and even joy amid desperate circumstances.


Because of your faithful prayers and generous support, thousands of men, women, and children had access to the resources necessary to begin healing from their pasts while looking ahead to the future, believing that God has much more in store for them.

Years on in this crisis; however, the needs of these refugees still remain the same: Their lives still depend on the generosity of others to provide essential relief supplies—food, medicine, hygiene items, clothing, and shelter.

Today, for just $35, you can provide one refugee $189 worth of life-saving supplies. That means your $35 gift will meet one refugee’s most critical needs for 3 months!

As hundreds of thousands continue to climb up out of despair to rebuild their lives from nothing, you can sustain them in the process. You can provide the physical, emotional, and spiritual support they need to continue rebuilding that which ISIS sought to destroy:

Life, freedom, dignity . . .  hope.

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