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health comes to keechai

Blog Team
Dec 20, 2011

Parvati Chaudary was sick. She struggled each day to care for her family, but her stomach illness prevented her from giving her children the attention they needed. Because of her sickness she was unable to work, and there was no government assistance or other aid available in her remote village of Keechai, Nepal, to help Parvati provide for her children.

The other villagers in Keechai were struggling with similar situations. The entire village suffered from stomach problems and skin disorders as a result of the contaminated water they drank. The sickness led to poverty, which led to more sickness, and a vicious cycle formed. The villagers tried to make a living by farming, but the dirty water prevented them from producing healthy crops.

When it seemed like all hope was lost, a well was brought to Keechai. Parvati’s family and the other villagers slowly returned to good health. The children were able to go to school and receive an education. Poverty was decreased as healthy crops began to grow. Hope was restored and a future was built.

As you can see from the story above, clean water changes everything. It’s December 20, and we are only $5000 away from our goal of raising $25,000 for clean water by Christmas. Please join us as we work to Change the Present . . . and build the future. To get involved, visit our Christmas campaign website. Every dollar makes a difference.



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