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Help A Girl Like Sunee this Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Blog Team
Jan 10, 2024


Tomorrow is Human Trafficking Awareness Day — a much-needed reminder that human trafficking still exists all around the world. In countries like India and Thailand, countless girls are currently trapped in the sex industry. Many of them feel they have no other choice if they want to survive and provide for their families.

The good news is, you can help a girl experience true and lasting freedom today. Just $50 will provide her with critical needs like a safe place to live, counseling, education, medical care, and more. You’ll also give her the opportunity to learn about the precious love of Jesus Christ.

Help a girl experience freedom this Human Trafficking Awareness Day!
You can make a difference in a girl’s life this Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Girls in Thailand and India are often expected to be the primary breadwinners for their families. In India’s Banchara community, a 500-year-old tradition called nari mata dictates that the eldest daughter of each family enter prostitution as young as age 12 to fund her brother’s dowry.

In Thailand, girls from impoverished communities often don’t have the chance to earn an education. As a result, they travel to Bangkok and Pattaya in search of work, only to be coerced into the sex trade. Most of these girls feel they cannot escape — girls like Sunee.

Sunee, whose name has been changed for privacy, lives with her family in Thailand. Unlike many girls in her situation, she was able to graduate high school. However, she couldn’t afford to pursue higher education because she needed to help her parents care for their family.

Help a girl experience freedom this Human Trafficking Awareness Day!
Girls like Sunee are often pushed into the sex industry by poverty

Unable to find another job and seemingly out of options, Sunee joined her mother working in the sex industry. Every night, she and her mother endure shame, abuse, and the risk of disease so their family can survive. It’s a sacrifice they make because, without the income, the family wouldn’t be able to eat.

Sunee dreams of earning a degree in graphic design one day, but she feels she has no way to get there. She doesn’t know if she’ll ever be able to escape the sex industry … many women work until they are either too old or too sick to continue.

But this Human Trafficking Awareness Day, you can show a girl like Sunee that she does have another option. You can help her experience life-changing freedom from the sex trade and the chance to pursue her dreams.

You can give a girl enslaved by the sex industry something she’s never had — the freedom to choose.

Help a girl experience freedom this Human Trafficking Awareness Day!
Your gift will help a girl experience freedom and a brighter future

For just $50, you’ll help one girl in Thailand or India experience true freedom. You’ll provide her with essentials like education, vocational training, trauma counseling, and a safe place to live in a supportive community. Plus, you’ll give her the chance to learn about the life-changing love of Jesus Christ.

Your gift will transform a girl’s life forever. Please give as generously as you can this Human Trafficking Awareness Day to help girls experience freedom and the life-giving love of Jesus.


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