One of the greatest joys of being a mom — no matter where you live — is being able to see your child grow and thrive. But this Mother’s Day, many moms around the world are watching their kids starve.
It’s breaking their hearts, but after a year of job loss and food shortages, they simply can’t afford food for their families. Moms in India are especially desperate right now amid the world’s worst coronavirus outbreak and lockdown.
Will you give a special Mother’s Day gift today to help a struggling mom, starving child, or person in need?
Every $12 you give will help provide one mom, child, or person struggling to survive with lifesaving food as well as meet other urgent physical and spiritual needs.
Plus, if you’re looking for a last-minute Mother’s Day gift, a donation to help a mother in need is a great way to honor the mom in your own life. You can even send her a personalized e-card to let her know you’ve made a gift in her name.
Here’s how:
• During checkout for your donation, be sure to check “send an emailed card” box on the Checkout Options screen
• Select which Mother’s Day e-card you would like to send
• Enter your recipient’s email address and write a personalized message
Please give today and let a mother in need know she is not alone.
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