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Disaster Relief1 min read


Help rush relief to India’s flood victims

Blog Team
Aug 22, 2018

As the floodwaters begin to recede in Kerala, India, the extent of the damage has become more obvious. The number of people displaced has risen to around 1.2 million. Houses are filled with up to three feet of mud and debris.

Our partners on the ground are working around the clock distributing supplies to flood victims. They have personally taken in many people, including pregnant women, small children, and the elderly. They desperately need more food, clean water, medicine, toiletries, and dry clothing and bedding to serve these people and the surrounding community — and you can help! 

For $100, you can provide emergency flood relief for one entire family.

Jithiya is a mother of two currently living at the makeshift shelter. When she arrived, her 5-year-old son, Aiden, was covered in sores. As he was climbing into the boat that had rescued them from their submerged home, a log floating through the water bumped against Aiden’s small leg and a swarm of biting ants began crawling all over him.

The small boat was already overfilled with around 25 people, and any sudden movements would have capsized them all. So it broke Jithiya’s heart, but she had to tell her little boy he couldn’t swat the ants away or even scratch. Aiden now needs urgent medical attention to keep the countless bites from becoming infected.

Jithiya is so worried. Her family was already struggling to make ends meet … and now they’ve lost everything in the flood.

This situation is critical; these people are desperate for help. Your $100 gift will help provide one family like Jithiya’s with supplies including food, clean water, hygiene kits and more.


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