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Coronavirus5 min read


Help someone in need … no roof disassembly required

Sam Campbell
Apr 22, 2020

My family and I took a vacation to Hawaii several summers ago. While I expected the lush scenery and crystal-clear waters, the large homeless community threw me for a loop.

On a tropical island full of tourists, no one really paid them any attention. There were too many sights to see. Too many activities. Too many cones of fruity shaved ice to eat.

It reminded me of a story found in the Gospel of Luke. While a crowd was gathered to hear Jesus, they overlooked a paralyzed man in need of help.

Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. — Luke 5:18-19 (NIV)

Surely someone in the crowd would’ve noticed someone lying on a stretcher and moved to let the men through!

But they didn’t. These people had come from miles away to listen to Jesus’ teaching. And while it certainly wasn’t wrong to want to hear the Master’s every word, they were too preoccupied to actually practice what He was preaching — to help the poor and needy.

You’ve no doubt got a lot on your mind right now — making sure your family members are staying healthy, checking to see if you’ve got enough groceries for the week, keeping an eye on the economy. These are all legitimate concerns. But during this coronavirus pandemic, remember to look around and offer help to those in need, too.

Your gift today will help provide medical care for the sick, food for the hungry, and other lifesaving aid for families in crisis. Plus, your donation DOUBLES up to $235,000 thanks to a matching gift from generous World Help Board members.

That means every $8 will help rescue TWO people instead of one!

Our partner in India recently reported how the coronavirus is impacting his country. The Indian government is trying to help the homeless and the many day laborers who are now out of work, but the needs are overwhelming.

“It is a time for all of us to be concerned and help the neediest people in this time of crisis,” our partner said.

Will YOU help during this global crisis? When you give to the coronavirus emergency fund, your doubled gift will provide medical care and other critical aid to those who need it most … just like the paralyzed man in the Bible.

So he [Jesus] said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. — Luke 5:24-25 (NIV)

You have the chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Although our partners are trying their best to provide shelter for the homeless and food for the jobless, they can’t do it alone. They need your support!

By giving, you’ll join hands with people on the other side of the globe and provide lifesaving aid to those who are sick, starving, and struggling to survive.

You’ll show them that you care. That they’re not overlooked. Not ignored.

Many people around the world are on lockdown, just like we are here in the U.S. Social distancing has put them out of work. But these impoverished people rely on their daily wages to support their families. They don’t have extra resources to “tide them over” until the crisis is done.

Without a regular income, they can’t feed their children. They can’t buy medicine, visit a doctor, or receive treatment.

But your doubled gift will ensure 2X as many people receive physical help and spiritual hope throughout this pandemic.

Plus, a portion of your donation will also provide emergency food to out-of-work families here in the U.S. and hygiene kits for at-risk seniors. That means you’ll help rescue people in your own backyard and around the world!

Please don’t ignore those in need like the crowd pressing around Jesus did.

Let them through — help them get the physical help they need and experience the love of Christ.

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