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Disaster Relief1 min read


Help those left homeless by flooding in India

Blog Team
Aug 20, 2018

Countless families are stranded in relief camps after the worst flooding southern India has experienced in a century. More than 300 people have died, and 800,000 people have been forced from their homes. Damage estimates top $2.7 billion.

The downpours, which began Aug. 8 in India’s Kerala state, have led to massive landslides and destroyed entire villages. Even some of the area’s nicest homes were lifted off their foundations and slid down hills; the small, flimsy homes of India’s poorest families never stood a chance.

Homeless and scared, these people desperately need help. For $35, you can provide one flood victim with food, water, hygiene supplies, and emergency relief.

Our partners are on the ground, ready to respond in the capital of Kerala … but they need your assistance! Will you help provide food and other critical supplies to distribute to those who have lost everything?

“It’s terrible,” our partner said. “Even as the rain subsides, the need will continue.” Many people have had to swim out of their houses, be evacuated by boats, or lash furniture together to create makeshift rafts. After running for their lives, they are arriving at the camps with just the wet clothes on their backs.

Please give what you can to help those families affected by this tragedy. Every $35 provides one person with food, clean water, hygiene supplies, and more. In addition to giving, please pray for these flood victims as they recover and begin the long journey toward rebuilding their lives.


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