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Can I travel to another country with World Help?

Yes! World Help offers several trips throughout the year for donors to see firsthand the work that they are helping make possible and to learn about other opportunities to get involved. You can check our Trips Page to see what trips, if any, are currently open for...

Is there a minimum age to go on a trip?

Children must be over 6 years of age and accompanied by a parent until 12 years of age. Children who are 13-18 years of age can travel with a designated adult.

Are there any immunizations required to travel?

It is each participant’s responsibility to consult with his or her personal physician prior to travel, as well as ensure that he or she has all required immunizations for the specific country of travel. We recommend referencing the Center for Disease Control for full...

Is insurance provided and what is covered?

Each trip participant will have international medical insurance purchased in his or her name through Faith Ventures for the duration of the trip. This is included in the trip cost. It covers medical expenses or procedures that might be incurred while overseas. Please...

How do I sponsor a child?

To sponsor a child online, go to If you attended a World Help event and received a printed biography of a child you would like to support, you can click the Search by Child ID button and enter that child’s unique ID number printed on the...
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