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Aid and Relief2 min read


Hope came in a bag of cornmeal

April Stumme
May 28, 2018

The blistering sun beat down on Sylvia as she waited in line. She was hot, thirsty, and weak. But as she shifted her weight from foot to foot in the dusty camp, she saw hope for the first time in months.

And it looked like a bag of cornmeal. 

Sylvia has experienced much trauma and heartache in her young life. Both her father and mother were victims of war and religious persecution. Now, the 12-year-old is the one responsible for keeping her younger siblings together and safe in a Ugandan camp filled with 42,000 refugees. 

Child-headed households are the norm here rather than the exception.

On this day, though, Sylvia had reason to celebrate. Her slight frame strained under the weight of the supplies, but she hardly noticed. Finally, she had some good news for her brothers and sisters. Tonight, they would eat!

A smile danced across her lips as she dragged bags of cornmeal and supplies back to the makeshift home she shared with her siblings. She couldn’t wait to see their excited faces when they realized what she had.

They had been hungry for so long, but now that was going to change … thanks to you and other compassionate donors.

When Sylvia fled with her siblings to escape the violence in South Sudan, she promised herself that she wouldn’t let any more family members die.

But she had no idea how hard it would be to keep that promise.

Supplies in the refugee camp are so limited that each month her family receives only a small bag of flour. There was no way she and her siblings could survive on that tiny amount of food. Sylvia felt hopeless.

That’s when you provided the necessities she and her siblings needed.

Now food is one less thing Sylvia has to worry about. Because of you, she can keep her brothers and sisters healthy and safe. And she’s not the only one your gifts impacted.

Thanks to your generous giving and the gifts of others, 50,000 refugees around the world were rescued in 2017. You also helped provide lifesaving supplies to 863,000 people in 13 of the world’s most impoverished nations. 

To learn more about the impact of your giving, click here to read the 2017 Annual Report.

You helped provide these desperate individuals with nourishing meals, medicine, hygiene items, and so much more.

Thank you for giving them the care they needed as they rebuild their lives. They will always remember your kindness — you were there when they needed you most.

Refugees like Sylvia have lived through some of the hardest moments of their lives. They have seen things and lived through things that most of us will never know. But although their futures are uncertain, thousands of them have seen the hands and feet of Jesus from someone on the other side of the ocean.

Your gifts brought help to some of the neediest places on earth, and gave hope to people — just like Sylvia.

You can help another refugee today. For just $35, you can send $189 worth of essential supplies to someone in need.


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