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Spiritual Development2 min read


How can they believe if they have not heard?

Blog Team
May 29, 2018

“Why do you like Vacation Bible School?” the teacher asked.

“I learned a lot of new stories!” a girl answered. “I had fun coloring pictures,” said another child.

Finally, the teacher walked over to Ajay, one of the younger boys in the room, and repeated the question.

“I used to tell lies,” Ajay said. “Here, I realized I am a sinner but Jesus has forgiven me, and I don’t want to tell lies anymore.”

Part of the beauty of Scripture is that it is so simple, even a child can understand it. But how can they understand it if they never hear it?

Ajay would never have learned such an important lesson from God’s Word if someone had not provided him with the chance to go to Vacation Bible School.

You see, Ajay doesn’t live in America where practically everyone has heard the Gospel at least once. He lives in the slums of India, where many people go their entire lives without hearing that Jesus came to save them.

Those who are Christians are often persecuted for their faith. In fact, we’ve changed Ajay’s name to keep him safe. But these people — even young children — understand that following Jesus is worth any cost. After all, He sacrificed everything for us on the cross.

Today, you can share this Good News with children like Ajay.

For $20, you can send four children from India’s slums to a three-day Vacation Bible School! During those three days, they’ll learn about Jesus, sing songs, play games, receive food, and make new friends.

Plus, they’ll be given a Bible workbook that they can take home and share with family and friends. So when you send four children to VBS, your gift multiplies to reach even more people with the Gospel.

As Ajay finished answering why he liked Vacation Bible School, he paused. Then a giant grin spread across his face. “I want to come back next year!” he exclaimed.

Will you give today so that kids like Ajay can continue learning from God’s Word? Will you give today so more children can come to VBS and hear about Jesus — probably for the first time in their lives?

What better gift to give children this summer?

While you’re making your own plans for summertime, give four children a summer they’ll never forget!


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