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How do people around the world celebrate Easter?

Megan Cuykendall
Apr 06, 2023


Easter is right around the corner … and the kids in our child sponsorship program are ready to celebrate!

Through the generosity of their sponsors, these children have access to essentials like nutritional food, clean water, basic medical care, and educational assistance.

But they also have the opportunity to learn about the love of Jesus — which makes Easter extra special for them! Celebrating the resurrection of Christ is always at the center, but every country celebrates a little differently.

Here’s an inside look at eight different Easter traditions from around the world:


Children are learning about the hope found through Jesus!
Child sponsorship helps introduce children like her to Jesus!

Did you know Antigua, Guatemala, has the largest Easter celebration in the entire world? Their week-long observation begins on Palm Sunday with a grand parade.

For the following six days, a somber mood hangs over the city. People dress in black and funeral music plays outside the churches. But on Easter Sunday, there is a huge festival with lively music, colorful clothing, and fireworks!


Child sponsorship gives girls in India the chance to future their education
Girls like these two look forward to learning holiday recipes that date back generations

In India, many believers fast for the 40 days leading up to Easter. Then, they enjoy a lavish meal with their friends and family!

One of the most common treats are appams. Appams are thin, fried dough made from rice flour and coconut milk. Many households also prepare pork for the main course using sweet, sour, spicy, and salty flavor profiles.


Child sponsorship help meet the physical and spiritual needs of kids worldwide
Filipino children always look forward to Easter celebrations with their families

In the week leading up to Easter, you can see dramatic retellings of Jesus’s life, called Senakulo. The tradition of Senakulo is incredibly important to the Filipino people, and some programs can last for eight nights! But shortened versions can be seen on stages, in churches, or even on street corners.

On Thursday, Christ-followers celebrate the Last Supper together. Church leaders open their doors to wash people’s feet as Jesus did for His disciples. People will often visit up to seven churches on this day!


Christ is the reason for the season
There’s no better time to spend with family than Easter!  

Easter in Uganda is all about spending time with your loved ones. People throughout the country travel back home to be with their families, just like many of us do in the U.S.

After going to church, they spend time together eating a delicious meal and catching up. Then, the afternoon is usually spent playing games and going swimming!


People in Thailand celebrate Easter with brunch
Little girls like her enjoy delicious, special meals for the holiday

Because 95% of the Thai population practices Buddhism, Thailand doesn’t consider Easter a national holiday. In fact, only 1% of the population celebrates Easter.

However, this doesn’t stop Christians from recognizing the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many people have a tasty brunch with friends and family after attending church.


Child sponsorship helps children in Honduras celebrate Easter
Sponsorship encourages children like him to express their creativity

Easter in Honduras is a colorful affair. In the days leading up to Easter Sunday, city streets are transformed into works of art called alfombras.

Volunteers will mark out 200 panels for artists of all ages to use. Starting Thursday night, they come and trace out their designs. Then, they use colorful sawdust to create beautiful pictures. It often takes them all night to complete their work … but the result is worth it!


Andreus and her family now have food
The generosity of people like you gives families in Haiti hope for the holiday

In Haiti, many churches have an Easter Sunday service at sunrise. Children mark the occasion by flying colorful kites high in the sky.

It’s also common for people in Haiti to spend the week before Easter serving others. They take small gifts to hospitals and prisons to share the Gospel!

Easter is a special day all around the world, no matter how it’s celebrated! When you celebrate Easter in just a few days, you’ll be in good company. It’s definitely a highlight of the year for many sponsored children, too.

Are you interested in helping make every day of the year special as a child sponsor? Make sure to check out our sponsorship program to learn how you can change a life this Easter … and all year long!

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