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Child Development2 min read


How Does Your Sponsored Child Celebrate Christmas?

Amanda Mattingly
Dec 20, 2012

Happy Children's Home in Nepal - Christmas Program

For many of us, Christmas means spending time with family, decorating, and giving gifts. We gather for  parties, attend plays, and rejoice in the birth of Jesus. But have you ever taken a moment to think about what Christmas looks like for others around the world? Or how your sponsored child observes the day?

Many of their Christmas activities closely resemble ours in the United States, while others are vastly different. Here’s how one of our sponsorship programs in Nepal celebrates:

The children at Happy Children’s Home in Kathmandu rise early to begin the  festivities by enjoying breakfast and tea with one another. After they eat, they hold a Christmas program that includes dancing, singing, and attending Sunday school.

Some of the children also participate in a skit—dressing in costumes to reenact the Christmas story for their community! They love the opportunity to perform . . . all while sharing the story of Jesus’ birth.

Happy Children's Home in NepalIn addition to their Christmas program, the children and staff share a delicious dinner together—something the children look forward to all year. Once they finish their meal, they play games, take pictures, and enjoy the rest of the evening laughing together. No matter what the tradition, children in our sponsorship program eagerly anticipate celebrating Christmas.

But this is a special time for our sponsors too! Last year, many participated in additional giving that was used to provide the children with special gifts. Bright smiles stretched across their faces as they received shoes, coats, bags, toys, and other items. For some, these were the first Christmas gifts they had ever received.

Treasured Christmas cards from their sponsors and special gifts create a Christmas to remember for these children. Each year, our partners around the world express  how excited each child is to participate in their individual Christmas programs.

This Christmas, we encourage you to remember and pray for your sponsored child. In your letters, ask how they celebrate Christmas, and let them know how much you love and care for them.

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If you have never had the privilege of sponsoring a child, you can decide this Christmas to begin making an eternal impact.

If you are already a World Help sponsor, share this post with your friends, family, and community and encourage them to join with you in bringing help and hope to children in dire need. Or even consider sponsoring another child this Christmas!


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