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Advocacy2 min read


how one business is giving back

Blog Team
Jul 13, 2011

causelife‘s story is simple. We want to help end the World Water Crisis by providing clean water to those who are without in developing countries around the world. The story we tell resonates with all sorts of people, from children eager to lend a helping hand to business-savvy professionals—because the need for clean water is universal.

That’ why we love it when unexpected people show up to help. This represents who we are: not just an organization, but a movement of people who want to end a global problem with enthusiasm, energy, and creativity.

Our friends at Shire Pharmaceuticals demonstrated this energy by doing something we hadn’t seen until now. Every year at their national convention of over 700 sales representatives, Shire shows their employee appreciation by distributing a nice gift to each person in attendance. But this year, something quite different was about to take place.

Gary Castro, a lead Shire representative, had recently learned about causelife during a Children of the World concert at his home church. He prompted the leadership of Shire to think about doing something out of the ordinary for their employees: What about giving clean water instead of gift bags this year?

What about $100,000 for clean water?

Admittedly, Gary was slightly unsure how the rest of his co-workers would take the change, but was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelmingly positive response. After showing a causelife video, a brief presentation was given explaining that the $100,000 donation from Shire would be used to drill a total of eight wells in the countries of Guatemala, Uganda, Nepal, and India. The convention erupted with applause as hundreds of reps stood to their feet in recognition of Shire’s generosity.

For days after, Gary received even more confirmation that Shire is more than a pharmaceutical business; it is a group of people who are interested in changing the world. Here’s what Chris, a Shire sales representative, had to say:

I have been with Shire for almost eight years and I cannot be more proud to work for our organization. This past February I had an opportunity to serve in Haiti and treat patients with water-borne diseases, in particular cholera. I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects unhealthy drinking water has on people and the diseases it causes.

When you announced during your closing remarks that Shire was going to partner with and donate funds to causelife, an organization that helps people get clean drinking water, I have never been more thankful or proud to work for Shire. Thank you for giving to such a cause, one that will change hundreds of people’s lives!

We love how positively and enthusiastically the employees of Shire responded to this incredible act of generosity. We look forward to partnering with Shire in the future to continue bringing clean water to people everywhere.

If your business, church, or organization would like to get involved in a similar way, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 434-525-6522 or send an email to


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