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Spiritual Development3 min read


How VBS converted a priest and blessed a village

April Stumme
May 20, 2018
The Hindu priest walked up to the man preaching God’s Word … and asked if he could become a Christian.

No one expected a miracle in the small Indian village that day.

Christians from the local church had been praying the three-day Vacation Bible School would lead children in the village to Jesus. But they never dreamed the message of salvation would reach one of the community’s prominent Hindu leaders.

A few days earlier, the church members were hustling to finish setting up for the first session of VBS. The fabric on the tent strained and swayed in the breeze. Once everything was in place for the songs, crafts, and Bible story, the teachers hurried to the tent’s entrance. They loved to watch the children run down from the village, laughing and giggling, excited for VBS to begin.

The air vibrated with the children’s chatter as they crowded into the tent, smiling faces turned toward the leaders. There also were a few older faces in the crowd; some of the children’s parents had come.

As more and more adults trickled in, the VBS leaders decided to hold a Gospel service for the parents following the children’s program. They knew this would be the first time some of the adults had ever heard the name of Jesus.

But one night, an unexpected visitor arrived.

A hush fell over the crowd as everyone settled down inside the tent. Heads turned, and people stepped away from the entrance so the visitor could come in. A ripple of nervousness swept through the crowd, but the VBS leaders were determined to hold the adult service anyway. As the meeting went on, the atmosphere of fear faded away.

And then the miracle happened. The Hindu priest walked to the front of the tent and asked if he could become a follower of Jesus Christ and be baptized.

Minutes later, the priest was dipped into water, and a preacher announced he had been raised in the newness of life.

But the miracle wasn’t over yet.

The priest had learned about Jesus in a tent, but he wanted his village to have a permanent church. His first gift to God was a portion of his own land, which was to be used for a church building.

That is the power of Vacation Bible School. It doesn’t just affect children; it brings positive transformation to entire communities.

And it’s something you can help bring to villages in India.

When you give $5 today, you give one child the chance to attend a three-day VBS program in India. That child will receive a Bible workbook, food, and the chance to hear about Jesus from caring, Christian teachers. And the workbook allows the children to share the story of Jesus back home with friends and family.

Our partners have seen God use VBS to bless many communities, and you can be sure He’ll use your gift in powerful ways, too.

With a $5 gift, you’ll be providing a child with an opportunity to learn about Jesus; a workbook so he can share the Gospel with others; food; and love, a rare commodity for many children living in India’s slums.

Give physical help and eternal hope to the nation of India, one child and one community at a time.


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