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Syria1 min read


How you can help Ghouta families survive

Blog Team
Mar 20, 2018

On one side of eastern Ghouta, Syria, rebel forces are fighting to keep the city. On the other side, the armies of the Syrian government are battling to reclaim it. Trapped in the middle of the fighting — directly in the line of fire — are thousands of innocent citizens.

Last week, many of them saw their first opportunity to escape. The U.N. estimates that in the past few days about 25,000 people escaped and fled to nearby Damascus. Families continue to trickle out of the city, waiting until the sound of bombing grows farther away and they can make a run for it.

After years of living in a warzone with danger on all sides, these refugees need someone to fight for them. You can be that person.

For just $35, you can provide lifesaving supplies to a refugee fleeing the fighting in Ghouta. You can make sure that when they arrive at a refugee camp, they are met with exactly what they need to survive — items such as food, clothing, medicine, hygiene kits, and baby formula and diapers.

Our partners are on the ground in Damascus ready to distribute these essentials. But as the number of refugees fleeing continues to grow, they desperately need your help to keep up with the demand.

The citizens of eastern Ghouta have been through more than we imagine. They need your help as soon as possible. Give $35 and help rescue one refugee today!


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