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Refugee crisis1 min read


How You Can Meet Urgent Needs This World Refugee Day


Every June 20, people from all around the world recognize World Refugee Day. Today, we remember the 110 million men, women, and children who are currently displaced from their homes. 

Many have fled humanitarian crises or violent conflicts, while others want to start fresh in the aftermath of a disaster. Sadly, most people who flee their homes end up living in severe poverty.

Watch this two-minute video to learn how you can help:

Many refugees and displaced people live in overcrowded and undersupplied refugee or IDP camps. Others are struggling to survive in impoverished neighborhoods or communities. They urgently need essentials like food, clean water, medical care, and more to survive.

This World Refugee Day, you can be a lifeline for a refugee or displaced person in critical need.

Every $35 you give will provide a week’s worth of emergency supplies like food, water, clothing, medical care, and more to one refugee and displaced person in need. For many people, these essentials will be the difference between life and death.  

This World Refugee Day, will you be the hands and feet of Jesus to refugees and displaced people worldwide?


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