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Hurricane Ian2 min read


Hurricane Ian: This family hid under the kitchen counter for hours

Sam Campbell
Sep 30, 2022


On Tuesday, Sept. 27, Levi and his family found themselves in the middle of a nightmare.

That’s the day Hurricane Ian slammed into western Cuba with 125-mile-per-hour winds, toppling trees, destroying homes, and causing a nationwide blackout. Levi and his family survived … but they are now left with picking up the pieces in the aftermath.

Will you give today to help provide emergency supplies for people like Levi as they try to recover from Hurricane Ian?

It will take weeks — even months — for Hurricane Ian victims to clean up the debris

With Hurricane Ian barreling toward Cuba, Levi knew he had to do something.

“We had to leave our house because it was not safe — so much so that [the hurricane] took a part of the roof,” he said.

The family took refuge inside another house, but the strong winds peeled back part of that roof as well. For the next few hours, Levi’s family huddled together under the kitchen counter as the storm raged on.

Levi admitted that there were several moments he wasn’t sure if they would survive, but he ultimately knew God would protect them.

Many of the family’s belongings are either destroyed or severely damaged. Their yard is covered with fallen trees, part of their home’s roof is collapsed, and their clothes and mattresses are all soaking wet.

After losing so much to the storm, people like Levi need your help to survive the aftermath

“We have built a makeshift shelter next to the church where we will live temporarily,” Levi said.

People like Levi have had their lives turned upside down this week. As you pray for Hurricane Ian victims in Cuba and the U.S., will you also give what you can to help them survive the difficult days ahead?

Every $50 you give will provide essentials like food, clean water, hygiene items, and other emergency aid for one person like Levi.

You may not be able to personally be on the ground to comfort these families who have lost so much … but you can still give them help and hope.


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