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Where Needed Most3 min read


Hurricane victims receive food, water … and the Gospel

Blog Team
Jan 29, 2021

Back in November, Hurricanes Eta and Iota tore through Central America less than two weeks apart. Families barely had time to catch their breath before the second storm ripped through their communities.

The coastal villages of Laguna Kukalaya and Layasiksa, Nicaragua, were completely wiped out. Homes collapsed. Trees toppled over. Much of the area was covered in a thick layer of mud and debris.

With everything destroyed, many people went up to four days without eating.

Just when these Nicaraguan families were about to lose hope, several boats pulled on shore full of lifesaving supplies that the World Help family helped provide!

Our partners made the difficult 24-hour journey to this remote region several times in the weeks following the storms — each time bringing food, clothing, medicine, hygiene kits, and other essentials.

Families received aid like hundreds of food bags full of bread, meat, rice, and other nutritious items. The communities also received generators to restore power and a pump to help clean out the wells that were flooded with dirty, contaminated water.

After the wells were cleared, people waited patiently in line with their five-gallon jugs to receive fresh, clean water.

But that wasn’t all.

Because of generous donations, a church was also planted in the area with a bilingual pastor who speaks both Spanish and the native Miskito language of the region. And several people have already made decisions for Christ!

Guatemala was hit hard by the storms, too. Some communities were completely cut off, but gifts from World Help donors rushed emergency food and supplies by helicopter and other means to families waiting for help.

None of this would have been possible with the generous support people like you.

Whenever you give in times like these, you not only help provide for families’ physical needs … but you also show them the incredible love of God. And you can do that every month when you become a World Help monthly supporter.

You will make sure people in places like Nicaragua, Guatemala, and other countries around the world receive the help they need when they need it most.

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