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From the Field3 min read


I want you to meet Machir

Vernon Brewer
Nov 19, 2019

I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced complete hopelessness in my life.

When times are tough, I’ve always had family and friends I could turn to. When my kids were sick, I had medical insurance and wonderful doctors who were there to help. Even during those darkest days when I was battling cancer, I was surrounded by supportive loved ones and a medical community that was determined to do whatever they could to heal me.

But in the refugee camps I’ve been visiting this week near the Syrian border, hopelessness is everywhere you look. These men, women, and children have next to nothing. They’ve lost their homes, their livelihood, and their sense of security. And many, like Machir’s parents, are afraid of losing their children.

Machir has been a refugee his entire life — growing up in a camp where resources are scarce. So, when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, his parents thought all hope was lost.

Machir’s story had a happy ending, though. Because of generous donors, he was able to receive the medical attention he desperately needed to survive.

Many other refugees, however, are still waiting for hope to arrive, especially as we’re about to enter the coldest months of the year.

I know some of these families can’t help but wonder if they survived the bombings and the chemical attacks simply to die in threadbare tents … similar to how the Israelites asked if they had been delivered from Egypt just to die in the wilderness. But God had a plan for the Israelites, and He has a plan for these refugees, too.

Time and time again, when refugee families like Machir’s come to the medical clinics in the camps or receive aid like blankets and warm clothing, they experience the love of God for the first time. Many come to know Christ as a result!

These people might have never heard the name of Jesus if they had remained at home. God can use even the worst circumstances for good. And He may be calling YOU to be part of His perfect plan, too.

For just $35, you can provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid for a refugee. And right now, your gift will DOUBLE up to $80,000 thanks to a matching gift. That means you can help TWO refugees instead of one. You can play a part in rescuing a child like Machir plus another refugee — all for just $35!

This week, we have been able to deliver resources like food, winter clothing, hygiene kits, and school supplies … but much more is still needed.

Desperate families lined up to receive any help they could get. At one distribution site, I even saw a boy lean over to kiss the box of food. That is how important the lifesaving aid you provide is — without it these refugees are fighting a battle against death.

And with a cold winter on its way, they need your help now more than ever.

The response of these refugees reminded me that as followers of Christ, we cannot forget them. Machir is healthy and safe for now, but there are many others who still need help.

Today, since your gift DOUBLES, you can help rescue TWO refugees for just $35. Please give what you can today to help save the lives of refugees in need.


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