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Bibles2 min read


If you can’t go, you can still make disciples

Kelsey Campbell
Jun 13, 2018

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20, NIV (The Great Commission)

Many Christians once believed missionaries were the only ones responsible for telling the nations about Jesus.

But as time went by, more and more churches shifted their thinking and realized Jesus was talking to all believers when He said to go and make disciples.

So, in today’s world, how does that work?

I can’t physically go to all the nations like Jesus instructed. I have to work full time so I can pay my bills, and I can’t afford the airfare to travel to the ends of the earth.

So how do I reconcile what I’ve been called to do with what I’m able to do?

What if I told you that you can make disciples of all nations … without stepping foot on another continent?

One of the best ways to spread the Good News is by sending Bibles to people who have never heard the Gospel. And people who receive a Bible in a developing or closed country are more likely to share it with family and friends.

Fortunately, we live in in a time when technology makes sending Bibles to some places a little easier.

Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to provide Bibles digitally in many nations. This allows people living in closed countries to discretely read God’s Word on their computers.

But regardless of how Bibles are getting into the hands of believers and seekers, fulfilling the Great Commission is happening — it just looks a little different today!

When you help to print and send a Bible to someone living in countries such as North Korea, Thailand, or Uganda, you are impacting multiple lives at once. Bibles are often shared among family, friends, and church members so your gift multiplies.

In the book of Romans, Paul wrote, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!” So when you give a Bible to someone who has never owned one, you’re not just blessing him, you’re being obedient to the Great Commission.

Your feet may not be going to bring the Good News, but your generous heart is helping to bring hope to the nations for the glory of God.

For $30, you can send six Bibles to change lives all over the world! You’ll be bringing the Good News to people you’ll never meet this side of heaven.

Some people who receive Bibles are already Christians — and because of you, they’ll have the tools they need to share their faith with others. Another win for the Great Commission!

You may not be called to go to Uganda or smuggle Bibles into North Korea in person, but you can still share the Good News with seekers and believers around the globe.

You’ll be accomplishing the mission Jesus called all of us to do: share the love of Christ with the world.

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