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Are you ready to be a RESCUER?

Around the world, countless people are waiting to be rescued. Families living in poverty were already struggling to survive before the coronavirus. Now, every day is a fight against starvation and death. People are out of work. Farming is at a standstill in many countries. The world needs rescuers now more than ever before. The world needs YOU. 

With so many needs, it can be difficult to know how you can make the greatest impact. But when you give to World Help, you can be sure your gift is helping those who need it most. Our global partners have identified the most vulnerable people who need to be rescued right now. Every $12 you give provides life-changing help to one person.


You can be a rescuer today, transforming people’s lives in powerful ways like:

  • Providing lifesaving help to families affected by the coronavirus
  • Giving emergency food to starving children on the brink of death
  • Sending God’s Word to persecuted Christians and new believers who have come to faith during this crisis
  • Shipping critical aid to impoverished families and entire communities

Together, we can reach the most desperate and needy people around the world. Please give as generously as you can. Every $12 you give represents someone rescued and introduced to the Gospel.

Your gift will help rescue people affected by the coronavirus and poverty.

World Help is dedicated to complete transparency and efficiency in all of our work. Through total giving to World Help projects, your gift is doubled in impact making an eternal difference worldwide.

*The impact of your gift (not revenue, cash grants, or corporate donations, unless specifically matching) doubles, when compared with the monetary value to receive, handle, and deliver donated goods and services.

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