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Child Development2 min read


2015 Impact: Child Development

Amanda Mattingly
Jan 08, 2016

The incredible impact sponsors make on a child is truly an eternal one . . . one that makes a difference in a single child’s life that not only helps them today but provides them hope for a more promising future.

In 2015, World Help saw incredible growth in our Child Sponsorship Program, impacting more children in one year than ever before! Thanks to the compassion and generosity of our sponsors, we’re seeing thousands of lives improved daily in India, Zimbabwe, Honduras, Thailand, Peru, and many more countries around the world!

India Child Sponsorship Programs

Not only are our sponsors providing help and hope to a child, but their commitment reaches even further into the child’s family and even an entire community! We are excited to share that we have more than 14,000 active sponsorships enabling children to receive basic necessities and restoring hope in otherwise hopeless situations worldwide. Each individual life holds incredible value as today’s children are our world’s future leaders and advocates. Celebrate with us as we share a couple of stories of children’s lives transformed.

Jackson Mambo, Zambia

Jackson is a 7-year-old boy who has experienced great tragedy in his life. When his father died from AIDS in 2012, his mother was left to care for her son on her own. Soon, his mother became ill and passed away last year. Left an orphan, Jackson’s aunt graciously took him in and worked tirelessly to provide for his basic needs but soon realized she simply could not afford to care for him . . . Jackson began living on his own on the streets of Zambia. Desperate to get Jackson off the streets, she took him to a nearby church seeking help for her nephew.

World Help Kenya Programs

Today, thanks to child sponsorship, Jackson attends Fountain School where he is receiving a quality education in addition to his basic needs. He is enjoying school, especially art class, and has big dreams for his future.

Nimi Tamang, Nepal

Nimi is part of our Child Sponsorship Program in Chaku Village, Nepal. She is excelling in her studies, and her parents are so grateful for the education and basic resources she receives through sponsorship. They know that the education she is receiving will help break the cycle of poverty and give her hope for a better life.

Nimi - World Help Child SponsorshipNimi

Tragically, Nimi and her family were directly impacted by last year’s devastating earthquake as their village was completely destroyed, requiring they relocate to another settlement. It’s been a difficult them, but they are grateful to be alive and well and thankful for the help they are receiving through World Help’s Nepal Crisis efforts.

In a recent letter to her sponsor, Nimi wrote: “My family is doing well and we are thanking God for His many blessings. Thank you very much for your support. Please continue to pray for me. God bless you.” Nimi plans to continue her education and become a teacher to help other children in her village have the same opportunities she has.

Child Development Programs in India

Jackson and Nimi are only two of the thousands of children impacted through child sponsorship in 2015. We cannot thank you enough for your compassion and investment. You are helping change lives!

Through your continued sponsorship, we are excited to see what God will accomplish through sponsorship in 2016. I also want to encourage you to pray and correspond with your child this year telling them you love them . . . and God loves them too!

If you’ve never before considered sponsoring a child, we invite you to commit to investing in a child’s life in 2016. You won’t regret it!

Sponsor a Child


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