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Impacting 3 Million in 2014

Vernon Brewer
Dec 29, 2014

As 2014 draws to a close, many of our brothers and sisters around the world continue to face unimaginable suffering at the hands of poverty, war, and injustice.

I believe it is in these desperate moments—these times where the rest of the world is standing still—when the Church must rise up together as one.

This is how the world will come to know the God we serve . . . by the sacrificial love we extend to the least of these.

Refugee family - World Help

Today, I invite you to join me in accomplishing a God-sized task before 2014 is over . . . to complete a vision we’ve been given to impact 3 million lives through a number of strategic outreach projects.

Your gift of any amount, combined with the contributions of others, will directly impact lives in need, helping to:

  • Provide 20 impoverished villages in Guatemala with a clean-water well and a church building
  • Fund the printing and distribution of hundreds of thousands of copies of God’s Word
  • Plant thousands of churches on a global scale
  • Invest in the development of a sustainable farm in Uganda
  • Develop a spiritual training facility for former drug addicts in Myanmar
  • And much, much more!

For a detailed description of every project included in this initiative, simply visit

Just think: Together, we have the opportunity to directly impact 3 million lives with the love of Jesus Christ!

Impact 2014

Please join me in making this vision a reality by giving a generous, tax-deductible, year-end gift on or before midnight on December 31, 2014.

This is a pivotal time in history for God’s people. With 3 million lives at stake, we have a choice: We can stand and watch, or we can act. We can be overwhelmed by the need, or we can serve. We can be agents of indifference, or agents of hope.

What will you be?




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