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Advocacy2 min read


Advocate | Interview with Bill Murray

Blog Team
Aug 23, 2011

Bill Murray has raised $13,000+ on his fundraising page just by sending out an email. If you’ve been reading the news the past few weeks, you’ve heard about the crisis in the Horn of Africa. Bill Murray is doing something about it. So far he’s raised enough to provide 500,000 meals in Africa. Read more on how he’s been able to do that.

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am a committed Christian, married for 25 years to my wife Kathy, and blessed by my daughter Megan and her husband Chris with two wonderful granddaughters Lily (2) and Quinn (8 weeks). Professionally I am an accountant specializing in taxation, and my major hobbies are golf and music.

Why are you fundraising for World Help?
Simply put, World Help is the real deal. They go where the need is the greatest, and they go there personally and purposefully. Their hearts are with the Bible but their boots on the ground, and while they remain Kingdom oriented, they know that showing people what it means to carry out the will of God is the best example they can set as to why a person should consider a walk with Jesus Christ. As far as I’m concerned, they are angels with feet.

What methods did you use to get people to come to your page and donate?
I used the most basic method there is – tell the truth and let people see that you put your own resources where you want others to participate. I told a compelling story in an e-mail that others wanted to forward. I started with family and friends and God just blasted it off from there. Yes, I wrote the e-mail, but the success had little to do with me and much to do with the efforts of those who forwarded it to people I never would have reached on my own.

What is the most difficult part of fundraising?
Overcoming the inertia caused by fear of failure, whatever failure looks like to you. Of course, I have an advantage – in 2008 I had a near-death experience that confirmed for me that Jesus is real and Heaven awaits, so I’m really clear that a whisper of approval from God is more important to me than any man made chorus of approval (or disapproval) could ever be. There’s a lot of freedom in that.

What are some tips you would want to share with others?
Three things: 1) People in our culture don’t want to be told what to do, but don’t confuse that with the fact that people are willing to be led if you and your information are trustworthy and just. 2) If your issue isn’t bigger than fearing what people will say about you, then you are working on the wrong issue. Showing God and the world that you have the faith to start makes the project a success even if no one sends you a single dollar. 3) The bottom line: The only way to find out what’s going to happen is to do it. Life is nothing until you hit the “Send” button, so don’t just plan it – DO IT!

*This post originally appeared on 


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