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International Day of Prayer5 min read


Is There Hope for North Korea?

Chasey Pittsley
Oct 19, 2024


North Korea has been at or near the top of global Christian persecution lists for over two decades. The country’s name has become synonymous with corruption, isolation, oppression, and fear.

Looking at news stories and headlines surrounding this communist nation, it’s easy to see why.

In late 2023, North Korean leader Kim-Jung Un expanded the list of crimes punishable by death from 11 to 16. One of these offenses includes “anti-state propaganda,” or anything that promotes outside influence or culture.

For Christians in North Korea, these new laws made it even riskier to follow Christ in the most dangerous and repressive country in the world. What do Christ-followers do when stamping out Christianity is written into the very foundation of their country’s ideology?

Provide help and hope to North Koreans this International Day of Prayer
North Koreans are taught to give their entire lives for their leader

To make matters worse, relations between North Korea and the western world have continued to deteriorate. It seems like the country is slipping further into darkness.

So, we dare to ask, “Is there hope for North Korea?”

When we look at the news, the current political climate, and the way the North Korean government continues to crack down on Christianity, it all seems to point to a simple, heartbreaking answer: there is no hope.

Thankfully, what we see isn’t the end of the story.

We know Someone more powerful, who is “far above all rule and authority and power and dominion,” according to Ephesians 1:21. His Name is Jesus Christ.

Provide help and hope to North Koreans this International Day of Prayer
Not even the strongest borders can stop the Gospel from spreading in North Korea!

The Bible says that God has made Christ head over every government, every leader, and every authority. And He has proven time and again that the power of His Gospel cannot be diminished, even in dark places that seem impossible to redeem. There are countless examples found in His Word, such as …

… the heart of Saul as he went to arrest Jesus’ followers on the road to Damascus,

… the morally corrupt cities of Ephesus and Corinth where people made sacrifices to Roman idols,

… and in prison where the apostles were held in chains and awaiting possible execution.

The Gospel transformed Saul into an apostle wholly dedicated to serving Christ, even to death. It changed hearts in ancient cities like Ephesus and Corinth, where people turned from serving idols to following the Living God. And it gave joy to Paul and Silas in prison, where they sang hymns until God broke their bonds and gave them an escape.

The same Jesus who worked powerfully in the Bible is also working in North Korea today, where the Gospel is changing hearts and giving hope to people in their darkest hours.

Provide help and hope to North Koreans this International Day of Prayer
Despite severe opposition, more people in North Korea are learning about the love of Jesus

Knowing this, we can say yes, there is hope for North Korea …

… and that hope is the power of Christ and His Gospel.

Right now, thousands of North Koreans are following Jesus despite the risk of arrest or death. They know the God they serve is far greater than their present circumstances.

And even though the government is trying to wipe out Christianity, the underground church in North Korea is growing. Right now, they need the support of their brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is on Nov. 3, when Christ-followers worldwide will gather in prayer for Christians suffering for their faith. Will you take time to pray for our brothers and sisters in North Korea?

Provide help and hope to North Koreans this International Day of Prayer
You can provide help and hope to persecuted North Koreans this International Day of Prayer

And in addition to prayer, will you help provide the lifesaving gift of food and Bibles in North Korea?

Because the underground church is growing, North Korean Christ-followers and seekers desperately need Bibles. With the ongoing famine, they’re also starving without enough food. Thankfully, Jesus equips His followers to help people in need, and God blesses His children through the generosity of others.

For just $20, you will provide one North Korean Christ-follower or seeker with a week’s worth of food plus their very own Bible. Your gift will transform the lives of North Korean Christians and remind them they aren’t alone.

There is hope for North Korea, and you can be part of God’s glorious plan to make His Name known throughout the country!

Thank you in advance for standing with persecuted Christians in North Korea.


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