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It’s World Photography Day: Here are 6 photos of God’s Word traveling the world!

Megan Cuykendall
Aug 19, 2022


Today, we’re celebrating our Bibles for All Ambassadors! They’ve sent copies of Scripture all around the world to people without access to Bibles. And since it’s World Photography Day, we thought we’d celebrate by sharing some photos of those people receiving God’s Word!

Some Christ-followers have never even held a Bible before, so receiving one of their own is a life-changing moment for someone that will never be forgotten.

Check out these photos highlighting places where Bibles for All Ambassadors have sent God’s Word:

1. Bibles gave hope to people in Rwanda

These Christians were overjoyed to receive God’s Word!

This community in Rwanda received enough Bibles for everyone in the village! These Bibles are viewed as prized possessions and will be studied, cherished, and passed down for generations to come.

People of all ages in this community now have an incredible opportunity to learn and grow their faith together.

2. People in China read God’s Word for the first time

The underground church is growing as Bibles are distributed across China

Christians in China face intense persecution from authorities. Many churches have been forced to close their doors, and people who try to buy a Bible are closely monitored.

What few Bibles are available in China have often been modified to fit a communist agenda. So Christ-followers in China are crying out for the true Word of God. Bibles for All Ambassadors have helped answer the call.

3. Bibles are fueling revival in Cuba

Christians in Cuba can finally grow closer to God through His Word

A historic revival is taking place in Cuba. Thousands of house churches are emerging where none existed before, and the Gospel is reaching people who had never heard the name of Jesus. But these new believers need God’s Word so they can grow in their faith, share it with others, and help fan the flames of revival.

That’s why this gift of Bibles was such a game-changer for church planters in Cuba.

4. Bibles reached the underground church in Iraq

Christians in Iraq can feel connected with God through reading His Word

Iraqi Christians can face intense discrimination and persecution for their faith. In some places, it’s even dangerous to display a religious symbol like a cross. This is especially true for Christians from Muslim backgrounds. Their families and community leaders often pressure them to renounce their faith with threats of violence or losing their inheritance.

But thanks to Bibles for All Ambassadors, Bibles have been distributed throughout Iraq to give comfort and strength to these Christians under fire.

5. Children in Uganda will grow up reading about Jesus

Reading the Bible helps kids learn to love and serve God even at a young age

In Uganda, families received their own copy of the Scripture to study together. Despite dealing with the hardships of poverty, these Bibles gave the community hope for a better future.

Parents and grandparents are watching their children study the Gospel from a young age. Because of Bibles for All Ambassadors’ generosity, generations will grow up learning about Jesus! God will use these families and children to change the world one day.

6. The Gospel is spreading in South Asia

This woman is finally able to read about God’s compassion and grace

Christ-followers in parts of South Asia face intense persecution. Many radical Hindus view Christianity as a Western religion, so people who convert are seen as unpatriotic and as someone how has turned their back on their family and culture’s traditional values.

Some Christians are even disowned by their families for following Jesus. Providing Bibles here gives these believers hope and reminds them that their Heavenly Father loves them unconditionally and will never forsake them.

Before Bibles for All Ambassadors helped provide Bibles around the globe, many of these people lived without access to the Word of God. Now, they’re studying the Bible, growing in their faith, and sharing Scriptures with their family and friends!

You can have the same impact by becoming a Bibles for All Ambassador — learn how below!


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